Panda Internet Security 2011 16.00.0

Panda Internet Security 2011 16.00.0 Maximum protection against all kinds of Internet threats! With the improved Collective Intelligence technology, Panda's 2011 products offer maximum detection with minimum impact on your PC. Panda Anti features a new UltraFast scan engine, 30% faster than its predecessors, Panda's exclusive SmartClean technology, which not only disinfects es but also restores system settings damaged by the latest horse technologies, and its low use of system resources.

No matter how you connect to the web, Panda Internet Security 2011 will keep your PC -free and running smoothly. Hackers can't get past our TruPrevent barrier, so your identity and your data are safe from cybercriminals. And our unique cloud-based Collective Intelligence network ensures that even unidentified threats are detected and blocked in real time - before they can infect your PC.
Safe connections
Internet Security 2011's built-in firewall defends your PC from hackers on the hunt for unprotected targets. The Home Network Manager protects your wired or wireless network from cyber burglars. Vulnerability exploits and drive-by threats are blocked with our strong intrusion prevention shield. And infected USB drives will not be allowed to communicate with your PC.
Safe browsing
Once you're online, Panda's Collective Intelligence kicks in to protect against es, spyware, s, rootkits, bots, and other . The secure browser keeps you safe from suspect sites, and the powerful content filter lets you customize site blocking according to who's online. For gamers and streaming-media fans, the new multimedia/gaming mode keeps you safe without interrupting your fun.
Safe communications
Identity-theft tools like phishing attacks and the notorious banking s are a thing of the past with Internet Security 2011. Emails and instant messages are scanned for spam, scams, and any trying to get past your defenses. And TruPrevent analyzes how programs behave, putting an immediate stop to any application that tries to download itself and attack your PC from the inside.
And that's not all
The new remote access tools lets you tap into your PC from anywhere. And no matter if you spill coffee on your PC, your children delete vital work files, or your laptop is stolen, the integrated online backup ensures that your data is thoroughly scanned, then safely and securely stored where only you can retrieve it any time you need it.


ID theft protection
Parental controls
Web filter
Online backup
Secure browser NEW
Multimedia/gaming mode NEW
Home network manager NEW
Remote PC access NEW
Automatic Upgrades

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Kaspersky Antivirus 2011 & Internet Security 2011 + Key

Kaspersky is well known as one of the most effective antivirus on the market and Kaspersky AntiVirus 2011 is no exception.    The software’s interface has improved immensely and is now very easy to use.  Kaspersky Antivirus 2011 also includes and new desktop widget, lower resource usage, and a hodgepodge of innovative features like battery saving mode.
The installation of Kaspersky Antivirus 2011 was quick but not hassle free.  The executable I downloaded from was outdated.  I was then forced to download a new setup file 104 megabytes in size from  This meant that just to install the antivirus I had to download more than 200 megabytes of setup files which is significantly larger than other free antivirus.  Once the program started, there was the option for a secure install mode.  This is nice if one already has a nasty virus on their system that might interfere with an installation.
Drag and Drop virus scanning
The Kaspersky Antivirus 2011 interface has been completely streamlined from previous versions.  The company has clearly taken some design cues from Microsoft Security Essentials.  The scanning and the settings are easy to navigate.  On the “Scan” area there are now three ways to scan a system.  The first is a full system scan.  The next is a critical area scan which scans system files and took about 6 minutes to finish.  The newest scanning option is the drag and drop scanner.  One simply drops a file into the arrow and the scanner starts.  This is unique to Kaspersky.
The virus scanners didn’t find any viruses on my system.  Kaspersky Antivirus 2011 used about 80 megabytes during a scan and has a small CPU foot print of only 3% usage.  This is the smallest CPU footprint I have seen yet on a free antivirus.  However, system performance seemed to decline slightly more than others during scanning and idle usage. 
vulnerability scanner
The real treat of Kaspersky Antivirus 2011 lies in its vulnerability scanner.  The scanner isn’t an automatic scan rather one must initialize it manually.  The scanner found a whole slew of vulnerabilities on my computer.  Adobe Acorobat was out of date (what’s new), InfranView, VMware, Opera, Flash, and Quicktime also had a vulnerabilities.  So while the test system may be viruses free it is by no means secure .  It’s nice that Kaspersky Antivirus 2011 brings these things to attention because I really don't bother ( I’am sure many users also don’t too) with updating programs.
Now in addition to all of the standard antivirus features  Kaspersky Antivirus 2011 includes a whole slew of additional features.  The first is that the program really has a high heuristic capability.  The System Watcher and the Proactive Defense constantly monitor for suspicious activity.  Proactive Defense is like Norton Insight in that it keeps a database of known trusted programs and it also monitors suspicious activity.  Suspicious activities include a keylogger installation, hidden drivers, and host file modification etc.  System Watcher is kind of like an additional System Restore.  If a malware program wrecks havoc, a user can easily clean up any damaged files.
Some additional features of Kaspersky Antivirus 2011 are a comprehensive instant messenger protection for MSN and AIM etc.,   a full privacy remover, a built in rescue disk creator, a full web antivirus to protect against malicious scripts, battery saving mode that limits scanning to only when the computer is plugged in, idle scanning, settings export and import, customizable gaming mode, encrypted connection scanning, self defense to prevent disabling of Kaspersky Antivirus 2011, and more.
slow updates.

One disadvantage to Kaspersky Antivirus 2011 is that its updates are painfully slow.  The update only averaged 38 kilobytes persecond on a 20+ megabit connection. 

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Google Chrome 8.0.552 Portable

Google crome 8.0.552 merupakan software pencarian yang dikembangkan oleh google. Software ini memang diakui memilki kecepatan yang bisa dibilang lebih dibanding mesin pencaharian lainnya.Dengan desain yang minimalis dan menarik.

Beberapa Kelebihan Browser Google Chrome

Ada beberapa hal yang menarik seputar keberadaan web browser chorome buatan google ini, dimana dengan memakai browser google chrome setiap saat, maka dalam kurun beberapa waktu browser google chorme akan memberikan informasi kepada anda tentang website apa saja yang sering anda kunjungi, dan dengan hal ini bagi orang tua yang ingin mengetahui website apa saja yang sering dikunjungi oleh anak-anaknya yang akhir-akhir ini sudah mulai gemar bermain internet tentunya akan sangat terbantu.
Priview Tampilan Utama Browser Google Chrome

Selain kelebihan diatas, google chrome juga tampil dengan Bahasa Indonesia, dimana selama ini seperti kita ketahui bahwa masih sangat langka software apalagi software web browser yang berbasis bahasa indonesia, dan tentunya hal akan membantu bagi netters yang kurang paham dengan bahasa inggris, pada saat menggunakannya.

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Mozilla Firefox 3.6.13


No longer a fledgling upstart, Firefox is the gold standard of alternatives to the still-dominant Internet Explorer. Firefox 3.6 is full-featured, lightning fast, and secure. Its killer selection of add-ons remains strong, with built-in support for the next generation of themes, called Personas, plus the latest update makes version 3.6 about 20 percent faster than version 3.5. However, competition is strong and it can no longer be said that Firefox is the fastest browser available.
Several notable improvements in the latest revamp keep Firefox abreast of current browsing tech. In addition to the aforementioned improvements made to the TraceMonkey JavaScript engine so that it renders Web applications faster, there have also been other significant under-the-hood changes. These include: blocking third-party software from encroaching on Firefox's file system turf to increase stability; support for the Web Open Font Format, which means many non-English browser users should have a faster time loading Web pages with downloadable fonts; and support for the File interface, which can help with tasks such as uploading multiple photos and is part of the draft HTML5-standard effort. HTML5 support debuted in Firefox 3.5. Another deeper change to the browser is that it is now running scripts asynchronously, which can help to load a Web page faster by putting off some work until the high-priority chores are complete. Firefox 3.6 also isolates out-of-date plug-ins so they do not become a security risk.
Unlike Firefox 3.5, which was more about keeping the browser current rather than blazing new trails, Firefox 3.6 is once again on the warpath. Upgrading is highly recommended.


Tidak lagi menjadi pemula pemula, Firefox adalah standar emas alternatif Internet Explorer masih dominan. Firefox 3.6 penuh fitur, cepat kilat, dan aman. pembunuh seleksi Its pengaya tetap kuat, dengan built-in mendukung untuk generasi berikutnya tema, disebut Personas, ditambah dengan update terbaru membuat versi 3.6 sekitar 20 persen lebih cepat dari versi 3.5. Namun, persaingan kuat dan tidak dapat lagi dikatakan bahwa Firefox adalah browser tercepat yang tersedia.
Beberapa perbaikan penting dalam mengikuti perkembangan terbaru merubah Firefox browsing saat ini teknologi. Selain perbaikan tersebut dibuat untuk mesin TraceMonkey JavaScript sehingga membuat aplikasi web lebih cepat, ada juga perubahan lain di bawah tenda-signifikan. Ini termasuk: pemblokiran perangkat lunak pihak ketiga menjarah di kandang sistem file Firefox untuk meningkatkan stabilitas, dukungan untuk Web Terbuka Font Format, yang berarti banyak pengguna browser non-Inggris harus memiliki waktu yang lebih cepat loading halaman web dengan font yang didownload, dan dukungan untuk File antarmuka, yang dapat membantu dengan tugas-tugas seperti upload beberapa foto dan merupakan bagian dari upaya draft HTML5-standar. HTML5 dukungan debutnya di Firefox 3.5. Perubahan lain lebih ke browser adalah bahwa sekarang menjalankan skrip asynchronously, yang dapat membantu untuk memuat halaman web lebih cepat dengan menunda beberapa pekerjaan sampai prioritas-tinggi tugas selesai. Firefox 3.6 juga isolat out-of-date in plug-sehingga mereka tidak menjadi risiko keamanan.
Tidak seperti Firefox 3.5, yang lebih lanjut tentang menjaga browser sekarang daripada terik jalan baru, Firefox 3.6 adalah sekali lagi pada sifat suka berperang tersebut. Upgrade sangat dianjurkan

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AVG 2011 Software Pack + key

AVG anti virus menunjukkan Eksistensinya dengan mengeluarkan Produk Terbaru Anti Virus AVG yaitu AVG 2011 Software Pack Anti Virus yang di bagi menjadi 3 Produk, AVG Anti-Virus 2011 11.20 Build 3152 Final (x86/x64), AVG Internet Security 2011, dan AVG PC Tuneup 2011 Final AVG Anti-Virus 2011 11.20 Build 3152 Final (x86/x64)

AVG Anti-Virus 2011 adalah Versi terbaru dari software anti-virus terkenal dari pengembang Ceko untuk melindungi komputer anda dari sesuatu yang berbahaya dan ancaman jaringan. Dengan AVG Anti-Virus 2011 anda bisa meblok software yang sudah terjangkit virus, trojan, worm, spyware, dan modul untuk menangani rootkit membantu menyingkirkan proses berbahaya, masking virus. Kompatibel dengan Windows Vista dan Windows 7

AVG adalah salah satu software populer yang sering digunakan di rumah. Update database virus yang cepat, kemudahan penggunaan, persyaratan sistem yang rendah adalah salah satu keunggulan utama dari produk AVG. AVG anti-virus software memberikan perlindungan yang kuat terhadap virus dan spyware pada Windows 7, Vista dan XP, produk AVG dirancang untuk memerangi ancaman menginfeksi komputer Anda dan kehilangan data.

AVG Internet Security 2011

Pada Posting terdahulu saya sudah share AVG Internet Security 2010, AVG Internet Security 2011 menjadi solusi keamanan dari semua jenis ancaman Internet. AVG Internet Security 2011 menggabungkan semua fitur keamanan yang diperlukan seperti antivirus, antispyware, firewall, antispam dan komponen lainnya

Komponen utama AVG Internet Security

   1. Anti-Virus (antivirus)
   2. Anti-Spyware (antispyware)
   3. Anti-Rootkit (perlindungan terhadap rootkit)
   4. Resident Shield
   5. E-mail Scanner
   6. Firewall (firewall)
   7. LinkScanner
   8. Online Shield
   9. Anti-Spam (spam)
  10. Perlindungan Identitas
  11. System Tools
  12. PC Analyzer
  13. Update Manager

AVG PC Tuneup 2011 Final

Anda sudah tahu bagaimana AVG dapat melindungi Anda secara online. Sekarang anda bisa mengambil satu langkah lebih lanjut dengan memperbaiki masalah yang memperlambat Komputer Anda. AVG PC TuneUp  2011 adalah yang dapat membantu Anda untuk mendapatkan hasil maksimal dari komputer Anda.


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Avira Premium Security Suite

Avira sebuah antivirus yang berlogokan payung ini terkenal dengan kecepatannya untuk melakukan scanning virus dan tidak membutuhkan memori yang cukup besar. Avira memiliki beberapa product diantaranya Avira Antivirus Personal, Avira Antivirus Premium, dan Avira Premium Security Suite yang memiliki fitur terlengkap dibandingkan product Avira yang lain. Avira Premium Security Suite cocok digunakan untuk perlindungan terhadap internet. Beberapa fiturnya antara lain adalah AntiVir protection against viruses, worms and Trojans, AntiAd/Spyware protection against spyware and adware, AntiRootkit protection against hidden malware, QuickRemoval eliminates viruses at the push of a button, NetbookSupport for laptops with low resolution, AHeaDTechnology detects unknown viruses by profiles, GenericRepair automatic repair of your PC, ExpressInstallation install Avira in just 5 clicks, AviraSupport to answer your questions, AntiPhishing protection against phishing, AntiVirProActiv detects unknown viruses by behavior, WebGuard protection against malicious websites, RescueSystem creates a bootable rescue CD, AntiDrive-by stops malware downloads while surfing, MailGuard scans incoming and outgoing emails, BackupSystem saves your important data, AntiBot prevents dangerous bot networks, AntiSpam filters out unwanted and phishing emails, FireWall protection against hackers, GameMode uninterrupted game play, dan ParentalControl web access filter and scheduler (

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Opera 11.0

Opera 11. Versi terbaru ini adalah kombinasi dari design yang elegan, smart update untuk fitur yang populer dan beberapa cara baru dalam kustomisasi opsi dalam opera.

Beberapa fitur baru yang diusung Opera 11 adalah :

1. Tab Stacking
pengguna dapat menumpuk beberapa tab menjadi satu kelompok sehingga memudahkan navigasi. Anda tinggal men-drag tab satu ke atas tab yg lain.

2. Extensions
Seperti Firefox, Opera 11 menyediakan banyak sekali extension yang berguna untuk meningkatkan fungsionalitas opera. tersedia lebih dari 2 juta extensions yang siap anda gunakan di

3. Visual mouse gestures
Hanya dengan menggerakkan mouse ke depan dan belakang anda bisa membuka halaman baru, menutup tab dan lain-lain.

4. Safer Address Field
Opera 11 menampilkan badge dalam address bar yang menunjukkan tingkat keamanan dari website yang kita kunjungi.

Opera 11 tersedia untuk Windows, Mac dan Linux.

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